Saturday, February 14, 2009

How Did We Get Here?

Back before the presedential election of 2008 I tried to find a Democrat who could give me a reasoned, positive  explanation as to why he/she intended to vote for Barack Obama.  I never got a response citing his qualifications, his proven abilities, legislation he had proposed and gotten passed.  Typically, a conversation would begin with my question, be followed by a rant against George W. Bush, and finish up with expressions of hatred for "Rich Republicans" and anyone who had achieved "wealth."  It seemed to me that folks were buying into Obama's message of "Change" and projecting all their hopes and desires onto him.  It didn't seem to matter what he said, it was all about what these people thought he had said.

Given Obama's sparse record both in the U.S. Senate and as a legislator in Illinois, I looked back to his previous career as a community organizer to see what he had accomplished.  Given all the complaints from Democrats regarding Sarah Palin and her lack of experience, I suspected that few of them realized their candidate was so lacking in that very quality.

Watching Obama's campaign first for the democrat nomination and then for the office of president, and seeing the response of his audience, leads the thinking observer to some interesting comparisons and conclusions.

Obama claims to be a Christian.  Given that, and his oft-repeated concern for those in our society least able to defend themselves, I might have expected that he would care for that most vulnerable part of society, unborn children.  Since 1973, millions have been killed in the name of "Freedom of Choice."  Freedom from responsibility by the potential parents, but total denial of the "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" promised in the Constitution for the unborn baby.

Unfortunately, being a democrat has, for Obama, trumped his Christian confession.  He continues to support abortion on demand, even the infamous partial-birth abortion.

Before the election, I sent the following note to a friend in a discussion group.  I never got a response.

The National Review article that began this discussion is at -- Read it and draw your own conclusions.  I find it compelling, especially in light of other research I've done on Senator Obama.

The folks I know who have spoken of their plans to vote for Obama haven't been able to provide a reasonable answer when I ask the simple question, "Why?"  They've offered bits and pieces taken straight from the liberal news media and Democrat advertising; I've heard the word "change" (but they don't know from what, or to what), they tell me they don't want a third term for Bush (but Bush isn't on the ballot), they complain about the current financial problems in the country and blame it on the current administration (never mind the ample proof that Bush and Republicans tried to call attention to the problems in Fannie Mae, while Democrats continued to say there was no problem with giving huge, low-interest 100% loans to people who couldn't afford the payments).

Let me tell you why I'm not voting for Obama.
1 - Obama claims to be a Christian, but is in favor of abortion on demand
2 - Obama is in favor of late term abortion, and has said he wouldn't want his daughters burdened by an unwanted pregnancy.
3 - Obama favors partial-birth abortion
4 - Obama was/is associated with Bill Ayers, an unapologetic anarchist and urban terrorist (Wikipedia calls him "a 1960's radical"). In 1995, Obama was introduced to the world of big-time Chicago politics in the home of Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn.
5 - Obama has long connections with ACORN, an organization that seeks to overwhelm the electoral system with huge numbers of fraudulent voter registrations.
6 - Obama has close ties to Tony Rezko, a Chicago political fundraiser who's been convicted of fraud and bribery.
7 - Obama claims to be a Christian, yet sat for over 20 years in the pew of a church where he heard his country regularly criticized from the pulpit.
8 - Obama, who has gotten wealthy in community organizing and other political endeavors, doesn't take care of his extended family. He criticized his grandmother as "a typical white person" after she raised him and sacrificed to help him attend college.  He has a half-brother living in poverty in Africa.
9 - I'm very concerned that the media has treated Obama like a "Rock Star" and expected us to unquestioningly go along with their appraisal.

I've recently read a couple of books that taught me a lot more about post-modernism, and some of what is called "the emergent church."  It strikes me that Truth, and especially what Francis Schaeffer called "True Truth" is in very short supply these days.  I don't think that Obama, the liberal news media, and the Democrat party have told us the truth about Obama.  I think there's a lot more to be learned, but by the time any of that is reported by an Obama-adoring media (and finally believed by an Obama-adoring public) it will be too late.  Obama is a complete, in every term of the definition, post-modernist.  After reading how he got into the Illinois senate, I believe he would say and do anything to achieve his goals.  Anything.

-- If an Obama administration is accompanied by a Democrat senate and house of representatives, they will be able to enact any legislation they wish.  Obama has already said he wants to spread the wealth around (yours, not his own). If you earn enough to be required to pay taxes, that should be enough to scare you.  If you're on Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid it should scare you more.  If you own a business, get ready to go on welfare.
-- It is likely that from one to three justices of the Supreme Court will retire in the next few years.  Would you prefer a Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution as it was written, or a court that would interpret it as they'd prefer it to have been written?
-- Obama believes that American greatness is wrong, that we in this country should not be better off than the citizens of any other country.  I believe that if government got out of the way, there is no limit to the things that this or any other country could achieve.
-- Obama believes that government bureaucracy is better able to redistribute the wealth of the citizenry than are the citizens themselves.  I believe that we the people, who have earned our wages by the sweat of our brow, should be free to practice charity as we wish.
-- Obama believes that government can administer better health care, at lesser cost, than private enterprise.  I have never seen a government bureaucracy that has a clue what “customer service" means, let alone "price containment."  Remember those $800 hammers?
-- You've probably heard that Social Security will be bankrupt in less than 30 years unless changes are made.  A couple years back, GW Bush proposed making some changes, and the Democrats screamed bloody murder because Bush would have left some decisions to the people.  What do you suppose Obama will do to fix the system?  That's right, increased taxes.
-- Obama is a lawyer.  Shakespeare was right.

So I return to my original question for you, Xxxxxx: why are you going to vote for Obama?  What is it about him that is so compelling to you?  While I would not have grouped Obama with the Reichsfuhrer, I agree with Yyyyyy that he is dangerous to our country, will bring it closer to a socialist state, and set in place appointed Federal judges that will require many years to correct and may well lead to infanticide and any manner of other mischief.

[end quote]

My question for the thinking democrat remains.  What were you thinking of?  I look forward to hearing from you.

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