Saturday, August 29, 2009
Health-Care Secrets
There's an old saying in Texas, used when one perceives that he's not being told the truth: "Don't piss in my ear and tell me it's raining!" That's exactly what's going on in town halls around the country. In the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal, there's this little blurb about how the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (chaired by Chris Dodd, D-Conn), passed out an amended $1 trillion health-care bill back on July 15. Earlier this month, Senator Arlen Specter (D-Penn) told a town hall meeting that those opposed to the present monstrous HR3200 are "just wrong; the Senate doesn't have a bill yet." Well, the only true part about that is they haven't turned over their cards yet. The Democrats in the senate have known since the middle of July what they intend to inflict on us, but they haven't seen fit to tell us. They haven't even shared it with the Republican senators. And you really believed these clowns when they promised an "open, transparent government?" Do you really think they want an open, honest government when they pull this sort of crap and then expect to pass the legislation without allowing time for public commentary? My friend, they were peeing in your ear then, and they're doing it now.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Dick Morris on Joe Lieberman
On Tuesday the 25th, Dick Morris wrote a piece on comments by Joe Lieberman (I-Conn) regarding HR 3200 -- the Obama/Democrat Party proposal to reform health care. A couple of interesting paragraphs:
If the elderly are worried about the projected $500 billion cut in Medicare and Medicaid over the ensuing decade and conservatives fret over socialization of healthcare, the average American can relate most easily to the concerns over the size of the debt and the deficit that Lieberman articulates.Lieberman’s critique gives moderates a place to go in the healthcare debate. Caught in the tug between the liberals who dominate Democratic primaries and the more conservative voices that may prevail in November, centrist Democrats can rally easily around the “not now” approach of Joe Lieberman. It is obvious that, despite the Obama majorities in Congress, this is the exact wrong time to embark on a major new government spending program.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Obama's Summer of Discontent
Fouad Ajami has an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal today, pointing out the emptiness inherent in the election of the current occupant of the Oval Office and suggesting that Americans who value substance over style are now coming to understand the enormity of what they have done. I only hope that there are more of us who understand and prefer substance than those who would rather think they can get a free ride off the successful part of the.
Click the link above and read the article; here are the last two paragraphs:
American democracy has never been democracy by plebiscite, a process by which a leader is anointed, then the populace steps out of the way, and the anointed one puts his political program in place. In the American tradition, the "mandate of heaven" is gained and lost every day and people talk back to their leaders. They are not held in thrall by them. The leaders are not infallible or a breed apart. That way is the Third World way, the way it plays out in Arab and Latin American politics.Those protesters in those town-hall meetings have served notice that Mr. Obama's charismatic moment has passed. Once again, the belief in that American exception that set this nation apart from other lands is re-emerging. Health care is the tip of the iceberg. Beneath it is an unease with the way the verdict of the 2008 election was read by those who prevailed. It shall be seen whether the man swept into office in the moment of national panic will adjust to the nation's recovery of its self-confidence.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Voter Intimidation
So what is it: illegal intimidation of registered voters by thugs, or just another tool in the arsenal of Democrat operatives? Why did the Justice Department, under Attorney General Eric Halder, choose to drop a case against members of the New Black Panther party in Philadelphia, when they had a slam-dunk winner?
President Obama is a lawyer; AG Holder is a lawyer; doesn't it seem odd that these two, both of whom have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and, by extention, the Law of the Land, have seen fit to ignore this law against voter intimidation?
There are larger questions here, deserving of answers. Wall Street Journalist John Fund provides more information... if you're interested!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Death by Bureaucratic Fiat.

There is an article in the Wall Street Journal today that should be read by anyone who contemplates a need for medical care in their future, and who wonders how they might fare under a nationalized health care system. Obama's independant panel will, under HR 3200, decide who receives care and who does not, and it's not a pretty thing to think about. Imagine yourself coming before the panel, asking for medical care that will save and prolong your life. Imagine their answer.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What Does HR 3200 Actually Say?
If you don't want to read the entire 1016 pages of House Resolution 3200 - the "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009" - then you might consider a summary by someone who has done the homework that we each should have already done. was put together by Dr. John David Lewis, professor of Classical History and Political Economics at Duke University. He provides questions, the applicable sections from HR 3200, and his evaluation of the proposed law.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Support for Health Care Reform
So what level of support is there for a major change in Health Care in this country? An article by Scott Rasmussen in the Wall Street Journal reports some interesting statistics from recent polls, just a day after the current resident of the Oval Office said that those who oppose the idea should keep their mouths shut.
So what do the people think?
- Obama says the plan he's selling will reduce costs, but 53% of the people believe it will have the opposite effect.
- 74% rate the quality of care they currently receive as good or excellent.
- 50% of people fear that if this plan is passed, it will result in a decline in quality of care.
- By a factor of two to one, people think that no matter how bad things might be, congressional action will only make them worse.
- 78% of folks agree that passage of the current congressional plan is likely to mean higher taxes for the middle class
- Although 63% of voters agree that all Americans should have "quality, affordable health care," only 28% are willing to pay higher taxes to achieve that goal.
- Although 25% of voters strongly support the reform effort, 41% strongly oppose it.
- 48% of voters now rate the U.S. health-care system as good or excellent. This is up from 29% a year ago.
- 19% of voters now rate the U.S. health-care system as poor. This is down from 37% a year ago.
- Currently, 76% of Democrat voters favor the reform plan being touted by Obama and the congressional Democrats.
- Currently, 35% of unaffiliated voters favor the plan, versus 60% who are opposed.
- Of these unaffiliated voters, only 16% strongly favor the plan, while 47% strongly oppose it.
The House Resolution, euphemistically called "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009," can be found here. Please read it.
Mr Rasumssen's data can be found here.
Rasmussen's Op Ed piece can be found here.
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