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Health-Care Secrets
There's an old saying in Texas, used when one perceives that he's not being told the truth: "Don't piss in my ear and tell me it's raining!" That's exactly what's going on in town halls around the country. In the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal, there's this little blurb about how the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (chaired by Chris Dodd, D-Conn), passed out an amended $1 trillion health-care bill back on July 15. Earlier this month, Senator Arlen Specter (D-Penn) told a town hall meeting that those opposed to the present monstrous HR3200 are "just wrong; the Senate doesn't have a bill yet." Well, the only true part about that is they haven't turned over their cards yet. The Democrats in the senate have known since the middle of July what they intend to inflict on us, but they haven't seen fit to tell us. They haven't even shared it with the Republican senators. And you really believed these clowns when they promised an "open, transparent government?" Do you really think they want an open, honest government when they pull this sort of crap and then expect to pass the legislation without allowing time for public commentary? My friend, they were peeing in your ear then, and they're doing it now.