Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama's Attack on Medical Civil Liberties

Yesterday I pointed some friends to the subject article on Newsmax, written by Newt Gingrich.  Let me share a couple of troubling facts and conclusions from that article that might well give us pause as we consider the agenda of the current occupant of the Oval Office (but please read the entire article):
     "In 2007, Obama promised a Planned Parenthood gathering on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade that, as president, he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). If enacted, FOCA would repeal all federal and state restrictions on abortion including the ban on partial-birth abortion. FOCA would force all public hospitals and health programs offering maternity services to provide abortions. Moreover, provisions in state constitutions that protect speech and the free exercise of religion of those whose conscience is opposed to abortion could be invalidated.
     Having no reason to believe that President Obama will not fulfill this radical campaign pledge, some Catholic bishops are talking openly about engaging in civil disobedience to protect Catholic hospitals and their doctors from being forced to perform abortions.
     The chilling effect of the Obama administration forcing doctors and nurses to choose between their losing their careers and being compelled to participate in abortions against their moral and religious belief is incalculable. Not only will pro-life doctors and nurses be driven from the professions, but patients will lose the ability to choose doctors who reflect their own religious and moral convictions, doctors who now help them to make healthcare choices based upon them.
     The fact is, there are doctors and nurses who have no moral objection to abortion. Why then, should some medical professionals be compelled to do something that compromises their conscience? It is one thing to hold fast to the pro-abortion position as a matter of a personal opinion, it is quite another to force someone else to compromise their moral integrity."
Once again I ask, Why is this president not content to take his House and Senate majorities and simply roll over the rest of us?  Why does he insist that we abandon our principles and join him in the evil work he espouses?  I can understand how a man with his postmodern worldview might call himself a Christian and still hold a pro-abortion view, although I can't concieve of a thinking Christian believing that profession of faith.  So why does he demand that those of us with scruples against abortion act against our principles?
"The difference between prejudice and conviction is that you can explain a conviction without getting angry."

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