Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"..A Tax Cut for 95% of taxpayers.."

 Obama promised a tax cut for all but the wealthiest, and a lot of the New Losers bought the line, crossed the line, and helped elect him based on hatred of anyone who made more money than they.  Now it seems that these "tax cuts for 95%" will not be actual tax cuts, but rather a redistribution of wealth from those of us who work and pay taxes, to those who'd rather sit on their butts and are a net drain on the economy.
But Obama still calls it a tax cut -- I guess when you're president you can just go ahead and redefine the meaning of the term to whatever you want it to be.

1 comment:

  1. Here it is again the class warfare game. How long will it be until the tax cut for 95% turns into a tax cut for 51% or whatever number it takes to maintain their control of government? President Obama just passed a “Stimulus Bill” with a $778 billion dollar liability and is already looking for a second “Stimulus Bill” for another $410 billion not to mention the $350 billion that he entered the White House with left over from President Bush and his $700 billion bank bailout (hope you haven’t forgotten about TARP already). That’s just short of $1.9 Trillion in projected spending since September 2008. How is the president going to have tax cuts for 95% of Americans with that kind of a bill behind him?

    Please join me in contacting and showing support for the Governors who have already stood up against this stimulus money.

    Rick Perry, Rep Texas
    Mark Sanford, Rep South Carolina
    Bobby Jindal, Rep Louisiana

    Governors considering rejecting stimulus funds

    Phil Bredesen, Dem Tennessee
    Sarah Palin, Rep Alaska

    We as True Conservatives need to focus on our States and help them to reclaim their equal station with the rest of the States of the world. When the States declared their Independence from the King of England, they said in a loud voice that we are on an equal footing with you England, France and Spain. Since that time they have ceded an ever increasing amount of control to the Federal Bureaucracy. At present 11 States--Washington, New Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, [Minnesota]...Georgia," South Carolina, and Texas -- "have all introduced bills and resolutions" reminding Obama that the 10th Amendment protects the rights of the states, which are the rights of the people, by limiting the power of the federal government. These resolutions call on Obama to “cease and desist” from his reckless government expansion and also indicate that federal laws and regulations implemented in violation of the 10th Amendment can be nullified by the states. This is the Conservative Revolution which we need to defer the power of an oppressive federal government.

    As a group we need to stand up for these real conservative principles and fight to end failed and failing federal programs which are being subsidized by a failing federal government who is reaching into our pockets at the point of the IRS’s gun and stealing from us to support and subsidize failure.
