Friday, February 20, 2009

Who's Gonna Pay The Bill?

Obama likes to call it the Economic Recovery Act, but any way you slice it, it's a huge borrowing package, the likes of which this country has never seen and may never dig out from under.  It includes a fantastic amount of Jimmy Dean stuff -- you know, pork -- that won't stimulate anything except the pockets of some politicians who are looking to buy votes in their next election campaign.
If there's any bright side, it seems that while most Obama voters ignore the issue of payback, some of their younger siblings are asking why they are going to be stuck with the bill.  
Matt Drudge quotes a Tim Hacker report in the East Valley Tribune.  Democrats would like to ignore the payback part of the bill, but it's not going away and will only grow as time passes and people see the results (more likely, lack of results) of this porky product from Pig City.
I happened to catch Dennis Miller on the Jay Leno show last night, and he was talking about Obama and the stimulus porkage and what it would mean to him personally.  He said that it has now come to pass that productive people in this country, about half of the population, are supporting the other half.  He related a story of how, when he was a kid, his family had supported an orphan in Honduras, and in return got a picture and occasional letters from her, thanking them.  He said that's all he wants, a picture of whoever it is he's supporting and an occasional letter of thanks.
I also tend to agree with Miller when he says that we (as a country) need to help the helpless, but as for the clueless, he couldn't care less.  "Get a job, Slacker!"

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