Friday, February 27, 2009

The Typical Democrat Voter

    Why is it that the typical Democrat voter is so unwilling to debate political issues?  I have to admit that most of my friends are of a conservative bent, but I do know some who admit to having a hatred of Republicans in general, and the previous occupant of the White House in particular.  That hatred, coupled with their unquestioning adoration of our current president, a man whose accomplishments and associations, motives and methods are never held up to scrutiny, lead to a skewed view of reality.
    On one hand, they want to snipe at the previous administration and Republicans in general, assessing blame to them for the current state of affairs in the economy and the world at large.  On the other hand, they are unwilling to listen to any voice that speaks a reasonable word of truth into their alternate universe.  They faithfully listen to and parrot the biased talking points of the mainstream media while refusing to consider or even listen to any other view.  They call those who hold and put forth opposing views "mind-numbed robots" at the same time they maintain their own willful ignorance.
    On the one hand they talk about the need for everyone to have a vote and support groups that try to enlist all sorts of people onto democrat voters roles -- like ACORN, a group that is (or was) under investigation for fraud in a number of states.  On the other hand, they push for a misnamed bill -- the Employee Free-Choice Act -- in congress that would deny a secret ballot to workers who are considering whether to organize into a union.
    On the one hand they talk about the inordinate influence that conservative icons such as Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity have on Republicans and conservative voters.  On the other hand they deny any influence from an extremely liberal mainstream media.
    On the one hand they say that we can't achieve energy independence by drilling for oil in our own country.  On the other hand, they insist that we can achieve a sound economy by borrowing a Trillion Dollars and spending it on (as reports) nearly 9,000 Porky Projects.
    Why is this so?  Chelsea Schilling posts a review of a new book by Dr. Lyle Rossiter for World Net Daily today.  In his book, titled The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, Dr. Rossiter probes modern liberalism's irrationality.  I have yet to read the book, but I have put it on my reading list.  I hope he can tell me how to generate some meaningful discussion with these typical Democrat voters...
    By the way, Ben Franklin once said, "We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."

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